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Woosuk Seo

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I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan School of Information, advised by Sun Young Park


My research interests lie at the intersection of health communication and human-computer interaction. As a qualitative researcher, I am particularly interested in designing technology to support people with special needs (e.g., child patients with chronic illness). My current project explores how a chatbot can help communicate between child patients, their family caregivers, and healthcare providers in pediatric cancer care.

[Jan 2024]  Our paper "ChaCha: Leveraging Large Language Models to Prompt Children to Share Their Emotions about Personal Events" has been conditionally accepted to CHI2024!.


[May-August 2023] Interned as an HCI Research Intern at NAVER Cloud in Korea.


[June 2022] Presented an Exploratory Paper, "Toward an AI-assisted Assessment Tool to Support Online Art Therapy Practices: A Pilot Study" at ECSCW 2022.


[April 2022]  Attended my first in-person CHI conference and SVed at CHI 2022.


[April 2021] SVed at CHI 2021 and received the "Most Hours Worked (15.56h)" award!


[Jan 2021] So happy to share the good news that our paper "Learning from Healthcare Providers’ Strategies: Designing Technology to Support Effective Child Patient-Provider Communication" has been accepted to CHI 2021!


[Dec 2020] Excited to announce that our paper "Challenges in the Parent-Child Communication of Health-related Information in Pediatric Cancer Care" will be presented at CSCW 2021!


[April 2020]  Our CHI 2020 paper "Learning from Positive Adaptations of Pediatric Cancer Patients to Design Health Technologies" has been published.  
[Nov 2019]  Presented my first full paper, "Balancing Tensions between Caregiving and Parenting Responsibilities in Pediatric Patient Care" at CSCW 2019.

Research Projects

Supporting communication between child patients, their parental caregivers, and healthcare providers in pediatric cancer care


In pediatric care, effective communication between child patients, their parental caregivers, and healthcare providers is critical for promoting positive health outcomes. However, caring for children requires more effort and time than for adult patients. Thus, we aim to present design implications for technology to support communication among the three stakeholders by exploring their roles, responsibilities, and communication practices.

Publication: CSCW'19, CHI'20, CHI'21(Video), CSCW'21


Understanding content creators with visual impairments

on YouTube & Twitch


Although previous studies outlined various implications to support people with visual impairments (PVI) for interacting with visual content (e.g., images, videos) and engaging with activities on social media platforms, they have not extensively examined PVI's experience in creating visual content. Thus, we aim to explore how PVI create and upload videos to YouTube or stream live videos to Twitch, and how they interact with other users through their videos. 

Publication: ASSETS'17, TVX'18, UAIS'20, CSCW'21

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Exploring art therapists' perceptions and needs for AI-assisted assessment tools


Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely used to assist art therapists with
artwork assessments by providing objective information. However, using
 AI-assisted tools in online art therapy is still under-examined. We created a prototype of an AI-assisted tool for online therapy and conducted usability testing with art therapists to understand their acceptance and concerns about the prototype

Paper: ECSCW'22

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* Designing an LLM-powered chatbot that guides children to identify and share their emotions 
* Conducted this work as a research intern at NAVER Cloud AI Lab

Children typically learn to identify and express emotions by sharing their stories and feelings with others, particularly their families. However, it is challenging for parents or siblings to communicate emotionally with children since children are still developing their communication skills. We present ChaCha, a chatbot that encourages and guides children to share personal events and emotions. ChaCha combines a state machine and large language models (LLMs) to keep the dialogue on track while carrying on free-form conversations. (Arxiv, Project Website)


Selected Publications

Seo, W., Jun, J., Chun, M., Jeong, H., Na, S., Cho, W., ... & Jung, H. (2022). Toward an AI-assisted Assessment Tool to Support Online Art Therapy Practices: A Pilot Study. In Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET).

Seo, W., Buyuktur, A. G., Choi, S. W., Sedig, L., & Park, S. Y. (2021). Challenges in the Parent-Child Communication of Health-related Information in Pediatric Cancer Care. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW1), 1-24.

Seo, W., Buyuktur, A. G., Verma, S., Kim, H., Choi, S. W., Sedig, L., & Park, S. Y. (2021, May). Learning from Healthcare Providers’ Strategies: Designing Technology to Support Effective Child Patient-Provider Communication. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-15).

Park, S. Y., Seo, W., Berry, A. B., Kim, H., Verma, S., Choi, S. W., & Buyuktur, A. G. (2020, April). Learning from Positive Adaptations of Pediatric Cancer Patients to Design Health Technologies. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-12)


Seo, W., & Jung, H. (2020). Understanding the community of blind or visually impaired vloggers on YouTube. Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-14.


Seo, W., Berry, A. B., Bhagane, P., Choi, S. W., Buyuktur, A. G., & Park, S. Y. (2019). Balancing Tensions between Caregiving and Parenting Responsibilities in Pediatric Patient Care. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 3(CSCW), 1-24.


A full list of publications is available on my Google Scholar Profile


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